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Chinese Symbols for Peace

Chinese Characters for Peace:


  • Peace: 和平


  • Quite: 平静


  • Mild: 温和


  • Harmony: 和谐

Chinese Phrases about Peace:

  • 鸾飞凤舞: Mythical bird Luan flying and Phoenix dancing, represent a prosperous and peaceful society.  

  • 太平无事: Peace and uneventful. 

  • 海晏河清: Tranquil sea and clean river, meaning the society are peaceful and stable.

  • 国泰民安: The flourishing country with people living in peace and prosperity.

  • 四海升平: Peace rises in tranquil seas, meaning nationwide peace and stability.

  • 尧年舜日: Great reigns of benevolent kings Yao and Shun, representing peaceful and flourishing eras. 

  • 本固邦宁: The prosperity of people leads to a country's peace.

  • 文修武偃: Cultivation of literature and ritual and ceasing military forces, symbolizing a peaceful society.  

  • 倒载干戈: Weapons being put aside, meaning peaceful eras without any wars. 

  • 承平盛世: Peaceful and prosperous eras. 

Part of the Painting (Qingming Shang He Tu) Along the River During the Qingming Festival of the Song Dynasty
Part of the Painting (Qingming Shang He Tu) Along the River During the Qingming Festival by Artist Zhang Zeduan of the Song Dynasty
Part of the Genre Painting of the Capital City (Bianjing or Kaifeng) of the Song Dynasty by Artist Zhang Zeduan

Part of Painting (Qingming Shanghe Tu) Along the River During the Qingming Festival
Genre Painting of Capital City of Song Dynasty by Artist Zhang Zeduan (1085 — 1145) — Palace Museum

Chinese Poems about Peace:


  • 天涯静处无征战,兵气销为日月光。Chang Jian (708 — 765)


War ceases on borders, and the glittering of blades and swords is replaced by the beautiful lights of the moon and sun. 


  • 阵云千里散,黄河一代清。Yu Xin (513 — 581)


Clouds dispersed thousands of miles away, and the Yellow River became tranquil. This represents the peace and stability that was brought by a big success. 

Part of Painting Thousands Miles of Mountains and Rivers (Qian Li Jiang Shan Tu), by Artist Wang Ximeng of the Song Dynasty

Part of Painting Thousands Miles of Mountains and Rivers (Qian Li Jiang Shan Tu) (1191.5 cm × 51.5 cm).

By  one of Emperor Zhao Ji’s Student, the Artist Wang Ximeng (1096 — 1119) — The Palace Museum

  • 九天阊阖开宫殿,万国衣冠拜冕旒。Wang Wei (701 — 761)


Gates of the magnificent royal palace opened successively in the morning, and officials and envoys entered to worship the emperor. 


  • 忆昔开元全盛日,小邑犹藏万家室。Du Fu (712 — 770)


During the Great Reign of Kaiyuan (713—741), even small towns resided with thousands of wealthy families.


Through recalling prosperous lives in Emperor Li Long ji's early great reigns, it was written to motivate current emperor Li Yu. 

Inscriptions on Mount Tai, Written by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang

Inscriptions on Mount Tai, Written by Emperor Li Longji to Memorize the Grand Fengshan Ceremony (the Gold Characters on the Right), Which held to Eulogize his Exceptional Accomplishments.

  • 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。Du Fu (712 — 770)


Landscapes look splendid under warm sunlight; the spring breeze brings pleasant fragrances of blooming flowers.

  • 醉后不知天在水,满船清梦压星河。Tang Gong of the early Ming Dynasty (1368 — 1644)

While drunk, I confuse the Milky Way and the glittering in the water; my beautiful dreams fill the boat and weigh on the star streams. 

  • 烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。Liu Yong (about 984 — 1053)


Willows are enveloped by mist, painted bridges stand across rivers, and colorful curtains of buildings blow by the breeze; it is a picturesque and peaceful city with tens of thousands of families.

Part of the Painting (Qingming Shang He Tu) Along the River During the Qingming Festival, Genre Painting of the Suzhou City of the Ming Dynasty by Artist Qiu Ying (1497 — 1552)

Part of the Painting (Qingming Shang He Tu) Along the River During the Qingming Festival, Genre Painting of the Suzhou City of the Ming Dynasty by Artist Qiu Ying (1497 — 1552) — Liaoning Museum

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